
New team member: Siloé Bournez

  • Monday, Apr 8, 2024

We are excited to welcome Siloé Bournez as the newest member of our R&D team for an internship at Hypervision Surgical, reflecting our ongoing expansion efforts.

Siloé is a final-year engineering student from Télécom Physique Strasbourg, specialising in health technology, and further pursues a Healthtech Master’s at the University of Strasbourg.

With expertise in biomechanics, image processing, real-time simulation, and robotics, Siloé has acquired a comprehensive background in health technology R&D. As part of a French robotics start-up, she gained valuable industry experience, particularly in developing intelligent tools to prevent soft tissue damage during knee replacement surgery.

Siloe Bournez

At Hypervision, Siloé will further enhance the intraoperative system design of our next-generation hyperspectral imaging technology, incorporating surgeon feedback and human factor engineering from in-vivo pre-clinical and clinical studies.

The advancements in hyperspectral imaging are truly remarkable! I’m eager to contribute my expertise and be part of this journey, adding my own unique perspective to help shape the future of surgical vision.

— Siloé Bournez